Snowboard Instructor Jobs

Find out your next adventure with these roles in amazing destinations!

It’s time to find your dream job on slopes around the world… not everyone is cut out for a standard 9-5 working day, so are you looking to find a more adventurous path, travelling the world and snowboarding for a living? You have come to the right place!

Latest Snowboard Instructor Jobs


Instructor Qualification: What You Need To Know

Before embarking on your search into snowboard instructor jobs, your first step is to become qualified by a recognized body. This requires a body that is part of the International Ski Instructors Association (ISIA), which indeed allows you to instruct across the globe – plus shows you are trustworthy enough to have responsibility of others’ safety. There are 4 worldwide levels of qualification and to teach anywhere in the world you usually need to obtain at least Level 2 (although please check with your desired resort or country). A huge benefit of snowboard instructor jobs is the opportunity to improve your own personal skills and the ability to work towards higher qualifications (which can lead to higher pay), all whilst working your dream job.

Once you are qualified, you can then apply for snowboard instructor jobs all over the world, although you must consider where your qualifications are recognized and whether you need and can secure a working visa. With this internationally-recognized qualification and approved visa eligibility, chances are you will be able to instruct almost anywhere! Popular ski season destinations in which we have available roles are European countries such as France, Austria and Switzerland, all the way to Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. Snowboard instructor jobs also allow flexibility in terms of contract length and location; if you are keen to travel around the best resorts in the world, you could aim to get short term contracts at a new location each season and get to see all the resorts on your bucket list, otherwise longer term contracts are sometimes available if you would rather show your talents at one particular resort.

Snowboard Instructor Jobs

Snowboard Instructor Job Application

Throughout the application for snowboard instructor jobs, an aspect nearly as important as your qualifications and experiences, is your personality. Employers are looking for patient and encouraging individuals, who are also focused, hardworking and determined. Although you are snowboarding all day and getting paid for doing something you love, it is going to be hard work due to all of the additional training and you need to really think about your responsibilities – you are in fact looking after and teaching adults or possibly children a difficult skill, on a mountain! It’s always best to prove your love for snow, travel and your interest in meeting and working with people from all over the world.

Once you have chosen your new home country through viewing our snowboard instructor jobs and been offered the job, the mountain is yours! Snowboard instructor jobs essentially means you get paid to do something you love, teach and train others to become their best and gain many other benefits, such as a free ski lift passes all season, food vouchers and discounts on essential ski gear…sound like your ideal job? What are you waiting for! Teaching snowboarding is an amazingly rewarding and super fun job! Travel the world and meet like-minded people through a mutual passion for the most radical sport on the planet.

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