Living and Working in USA
Information & guidance about seasonal jobs in USA
Seasonal jobs in USA
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- Tourism
- Cyprus, Greece, Spain
- Adventure jobs, Hotel jobs, Tourism
- Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey
- Adventure jobs, Hotel jobs, Tourism
- Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey
- Adventure jobs, Hotel jobs, Tourism
- Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey
There are many seasonal and temporary jobs offered throughout the United States these include work in Summer Camps, Ski Resorts, Hotels, Restaurants and National Parks.
Au Pairs usually need some childcare experience but won’t always need to be able to speak fluent English. Au pairs live with host families, looking after the children and perform basic domestic duties such as cleaning. Wages are often low but food and accommodation is usually included.
Smaller Earth offer Resort Jobs In America and Au Pair In America programs.
BUNAC Teach sports and activities to American children on a US summer camp, choose a casual, seasonal job from BUNAC’s exclusive online Job Zone on the Work America program, or volunteer in National Parks on Volunteer USA.
Educating Adventures Ski / Snow Board Instructor Internship – Training + Certification + Job Offer = A Great Season !
Voluntary Job Opportunities In The U.S Include work with the homeless, people with disabilities and conservation.
U.S Visa Information: If you intend to visit the US, on holiday, a business trip, to study, work, volunteer or as an emigrant you should get up to date and accurate information from the official website of the US Citizenship And Immigration Service.
For up to date information on visa requirements, you can also check with the Embassy or Consulate of the US before you travel.