Summer Jobs in Europe

Find out your next adventure with these roles in amazing destinations!

Want to have the summer of a lifetime but don’t think you can afford it? Why not consider finding work abroad! Summer jobs in Europe mean you can live and work in a variety of sunny destinations, making money, friends and memories as you travel to amazing locations. Summer jobs in Europe are the ultimate ticket to an incredible summer adventure that won’t break the bank, as well as having the added benefit of looking great on your CV! So check out some roles that you could be experiencing this summer and get inspired!

Our latest summer jobs in Europe


Wages across Europe vary depending on the role and the country you are working in, meaning you should put time into researching how much a specific opportunity would line your pockets, alongside researching living costs of the country to make sure your wage will actually support your new lifestyle. Teaching English abroad can be a great source of income for those wanting to spend their summer abroad, especially for those who already have a TEFL certificate. Short-term summer opportunities can primarily be found at summer schools or camps, which also come with the added benefit of getting to join in with all the fun camp activities!

If you don’t feel as though teaching English is for you, hospitality work is another great paying alternative that can take you all over Europe this summer. It tends to be easier to land a job if you have some experience, and speak a little of the language of the country where you will be working, as you will need to converse with customers – you will reap the benefits in this fun, relaxed job that comes with the possibility of tips! There are numerous hospitality roles to suit your experience, and often companies hire seasonal workers in groups so you will have the chance to meet people from all over the world who share your adventure loving mindset.

Resort work around Europe is a great way to immerse yourself in the holiday vibe, as you are surrounded by holiday-makers and those working to experience new countries like you. Resorts offer a variety of summer jobs in Europe, from entertainers to cleaners to bar staff to receptionists, meaning wherever your skills lie you are sure to find a role that is the perfect fit for you. There is also the added benefit that resorts have great facilities that staff often have full access to, in beautiful locations, so a trip to the beach after work is always a possibility!

Another great option for those looking for summer jobs in Europe is to work at a summer camp, where there is the opportunity to work as a camp counsellor supervising and arranging fun activities (that you also get to participate in!) for the campers. Working at a summer camp also means that you will meet like-minded colleagues, and as food and accommodation are included as you live on-sight, you can save what you earn which can fund your travelling adventures once camp is over!

There are countless other summer jobs in Europe available, so if you want the summer of a lifetime, what are you waiting for? Check out and apply for available roles on our site and start your new adventure!