Living and Working in Malaysia

Information & guidance about seasonal jobs in Malaysia

Seasonal jobs in Malaysia

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Work can be found teaching English in Malaysia particularly in cities such as Kuala Lumpur and Penang although positions are limited and the government will only issue work permits to applicants holding at least a MA. Expatriate families living in Malaysia look for English speaking Au Pairs. Childcare experience is usually needed. Au pairs live with host families, looking after the children and perform basic domestic duties such as cleaning. Wages can be low but food and accommodation is usually included.

Voluntary Job Opportunities In Malaysia Include teaching English, care for disabled children, wildlife and marine life projects.

If you intend to visit Malaysia, on holiday, a business trip, to study, work, volunteer or as an emigrant you should get up to date and accurate information from the official website of the Malaysia Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For up to date information on visa requirements, you can also check with the Embassy or Consulate of Malaysia before you travel.